As part of New York Pause, Family Courts are closed in all counties in New York. Each Court is taking Abuse and Neglect cases brought by the Department of Social Services and serious Juvenile Delinquency proceedings. In Erie County, domestic violence matters are processed at the Family Justice Center. They are available at 716 558 7233.
What most families have been troubled with during this time are issues with access. For safety reasons, many residential parents have curtailed access with the other parent. Handling this matter can be done easily if the parents recognize that this is a temporary situation. What we recommend is that during this time of limited access, the other parent has considerably more electronic access time. It can be SKYPE, ZOOM or just plain telephone time. Some families are having the non-residential parent help with home schooling by taking a subject, like “Math with Dad” .
Those parents making this work report that key to putting it in place is that the electronic access is very broad and that the parties agree to have make-up actual access when the Courts re-open.
The LoTempio Law Group is committed to helping families and we can be reached at 716 855 3761.