Mon - Fri 9A-5P
Mon - Fri 9A-5P


August 2020
In most cases, law enforcement personnel cannot stop motorists to check for impairment unless they have reason to believe that the suspects are, indeed, intoxicated. That means motorists who aren’t exhibiting any signs of drunk driving shouldn’t have to worry about facing DWI charges—unless, of course, they live in a state that allows sobriety checkpoints....
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Contract disputes are one of the most common issues that corporate litigators handle. These issues arise so often, in fact, that virtually every organization can expect to find themselves facing one at some point. Thankfully, there are measures you can take when drafting and reviewing contractual agreements to protect your company should some kind of...
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The coronavirus pandemic has affected virtually every aspect of American life. From grocery shopping to going to school to Coparenting. While it hasn’t been easy on anyone, those with a joint custody arrangement are facing more hurdles than most. Since every family’s situation is unique, there’s no standard approach for handling parenting plans as long...
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Preserving evidence is imperative to any claim resulting from a motor vehicle accident.  Courts have defined spoliation as the destruction or significant alteration of evidence, or the failure to preserve for another’s use as evidence in pending or reasonably foreseeable litigation. Intentional and accidental destruction can cause a spoliation issue.  Non-intentional or negligent loss of...
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Did you know that Medical Malpractice is the 3rd leading cause of death in the United States today?  Recent studies have indicated that somewhere between 250,000 and 440,000 Americans die each year as a result of medical malpractice. While almost all medical care providers work hard to avoid making mistakes in the treatment of their...
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There’s always a lot to do in the wake of a serious wreck. From arranging alternative transportation to getting someone to cover your shifts at work, being involved in a car accident can add dozens of tasks to an already-full schedule. Regardless of just how busy you are, though, you shouldn’t forego a visit to...
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