The coronavirus pandemic has affected virtually every aspect of American life. From grocery shopping to going to school to Coparenting. While it hasn’t been easy on anyone, those with a joint custody arrangement are facing more hurdles than most. Since every family’s situation is unique, there’s no standard approach for handling parenting plans as long...Read More
Preserving evidence is imperative to any claim resulting from a motor vehicle accident. Courts have defined spoliation as the destruction or significant alteration of evidence, or the failure to preserve for another’s use as evidence in pending or reasonably foreseeable litigation. Intentional and accidental destruction can cause a spoliation issue. Non-intentional or negligent loss of...Read More
Did you know that Medical Malpractice is the 3rd leading cause of death in the United States today? Recent studies have indicated that somewhere between 250,000 and 440,000 Americans die each year as a result of medical malpractice. While almost all medical care providers work hard to avoid making mistakes in the treatment of their...Read More
There’s always a lot to do in the wake of a serious wreck. From arranging alternative transportation to getting someone to cover your shifts at work, being involved in a car accident can add dozens of tasks to an already-full schedule. Regardless of just how busy you are, though, you shouldn’t forego a visit to...Read More
Serious car accident injuries can derail every aspect of a person’s life. Not only do they cause physical limitations—some of which may be permanent—but they can also drain you emotionally and devastate you financially. While recovering monetary damages won’t restore your health or erase the trauma you’re facing, it could at least help you put...Read More
Just because the elderly are among the most vulnerable to COVID-19 doesn’t mean all nursing home residents will inevitably contract the virus. Facilities that follow all recommended guidelines for containing existing cases and preventing new ones can protect their residents and staff amid the outbreak. But what if your loved one’s nursing home waited too...Read More
The spread of COVID-19 and our country’s response to it have impacted American lives in countless ways. Everything from buying groceries to educating children has been modified in an attempt to protect society as a whole. Unfortunately for those in the midst of divorce, legal proceedings have not been immune to the changing times. Whether...Read More
There’s always a lot to in the wake of a wreck, from securing alternative transportation to repairing the damage. It’s so easy to get caught up in the minutia, in fact, that victims often forget to take care of themselves. Regardless of the circumstances, though, your first priority following an accident should be your health....Read More
In the event of a motorcycle accident, a helmet can reduce the risk of head injury by 67 percent and the risk of death by 37 percent. While such statistics are reassuring, they ultimately serve as a reminder that no gear is 100 percent effective at preventing catastrophic—and sometimes fatal—injury. If you sustained a traumatic...Read More
If you were hurt on the job, you may be wondering whether to apply for workers’ compensation benefits or file a personal injury claim. While both actions may yield funds for medical bills and other losses, there are some key differences to consider. Below we’ve outlined some of the major differences between workers’ compensation claims...Read More